Click Day, 9.500 annual jobs on family assistance

Click Day, 9.500 annual jobs on family assistance

For those who want to hire non-EU citizens homemakers, babysitters and assistants to the elderly the 4th of December 2023 has been fixed as the “click day” by the Flows Decree which covers the years 2023 to 2025.

The number of 9.500 won’t be destined completely towards families who want to hire non-EU citizens. The application is to be filled on-line, its access is possible via Spid or electronic Identification Card.

The applicants must verify the availability of a non-EU citizen already living in Italy by going at the competent employment office for the territory that will complete the procedure within 20 working days.

To verify the correct procedures, a professional figure, a lawyer, a labour consultant or an accountant will flank the applicants. Alternatively, it is possible to obtain a testation that certifies that the norms of the National Collective Contract are being applied and the capital capacity of the employer.

The employer must also go to the Municipality Hall to obtain a housing suitability certification.

20 thousand € is the minimum acceptable income for applicants who leave on their own and of 27 thousand € if the family members are more than one. If the applicant has disabilities that limit his/her health and self-sufficiency, there is not a fixed income to apply.

The non-EU citizen must be employed to the National Contract of Householder Workers and his/ her retribution cannot be less than 503, 27 € monthly.

The working hours must be at least 20 weeklies.  It is possible to hire the worker to a fixed or permanent contract naturally the contribution costs will be slightly superior.

Note that the worker can also come from any non- European country.

Those applicants that won’t be accepted with the 2023 quota, can retry on the click day 2024 for householder workers which has been fixed the 7th of February 2024.

The families applying will receive an authorization within 60 days that will allow them to apply in the year 2024. Should this not happen they may miss the opportunity to participate in the 2023 quota and that of the year 2024.

Note that the load of work to carry out by the offices involved is significant—136 thousand jobs for worker of the year 2023 to which 151 thousand will be added with the click day of February.

Palermo, Rome, November 27 2023

Mr. Angelo Pisciotta